

clothfx 1.277 is a production proven cloth simulation system for 3ds Max that provides users with a multitude of advanced tools necessary to create realistic fabrics and tailor-made clothing for their characters and creatures. Modeling clothing can be done in two ways: creating the objects that represent cloth with standard 3ds Max modeling methods and then applying the clothfx modifier to it, or by designing virtual clothing patterns in a more traditional way (you can even import spline patterns from external applications) and stitching together various virtual panels to form a full garment.

You can also apply separate cloth properties to the various panels within your clothing for even more realism! And if you need to get up to speed quickly, and don’t want to set cloth properties manually, clothfx comes with over a dozen preset cloth types (like cotton, silk, wool, etc.) to help eliminate the potentially tedious task of refining how your clothing behaves when applied.

Full collision detection (including cloth to cloth collisions) can be run, and provides instant feedback on how well your cloth is performing during a simulation. And for advanced users, you can also stage your simulations in sections to get just the look that’s right for you. What this means is that you can run the cloth simulation once, then edit out parts you don’t want, and re-run the simulation with similar (or wildly different) settings to get that perfect result without having to start from scratch each time.

clothfx by size8software

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