
The purpose of the project is to develop global illumination renderer that is automatic, fast, and accurate.

BusyRay is renderer for busy people.

There is just one physically accurate solution possible per scene. Just press 'Render' and see how it looks like. No parameters tuning is needed.

« It is really that simple!

Global Illumination yes
Per-pixel accuracy estimation yes
Textures yes
Specular reflection yes
Fresnel reflection yes
Glossy reflection yes
Texture background yes
Bump mapping yes
Area shadows yes
on yes
Skylight yes
High Dynamic Range channel output yes
Alpha channel yes
Editing of tone mapping parameters yes
High quality antialiasing yes
Particle systems no
Depth of field no
Illumination by environment map no
Splines rendering no
Caustics no
Refraction no
IES light sources no

Installation instructions :

To install BusyRay on your computer,
download busyray.dlr and save it to "plugins"
subfolder of 3DS MAX.

After 3DS MAX is restarted, you should see a new
renderer available in the 3DS MAX renderer selection panel.

Files :

BusyRay 1.3.11

FAQ (what is supported) read
Free version for 3DS MAX 6.0 and 7.0 download
Free version for 3DS MAX 8.0 download
Commercial version

go to buy page

Home page : http://www.busyray.com/index.html

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