ColorPolyByVert Modifier

ColorPolyByVert Modifier

This one is a modelling aid, mainly for e.poly modelling, to
quickly show which faces are triangles, or 5+ side polygons.


The plugin works by setting the vertex colours to colourise the
model, and toggles the vertex colour display.
Toggle Poly Colours: toggles the polygon colouring effect on/off.
With this off no processing takes place.
Toggle Shaded: toggles the object property 'shaded' button for
vertex colouring.
The 'Face Counts' group reports how many of each are present -
when you have tiny triangles that are hard to spot at first glance
this lets you know they are actually there.
Limitations - converts to Poly. Supported types are TriMeshes,
(ie regular editable mesh stack), and Polymeshes (e.poly),
although I use this tool when e.poly modelling almost exclusively.
A mesh will be converted to poly, but since this tool is generally not
left in the stack that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

ColorPolyByVert is not freeware

For licensees of RPManager and RPManagerLite, commercial or
personal use is freely permitted. For everyone else there is a
US$10 fee for commercial use per site. Personal/Academic use
is permitted without payment.
There are no licenses, limited/demo versions or what-not, just
this button here:

which will get you a Thanks! email and the knowledge you are
both supporting tool developers and legitimately using the plugin,
and this link here:

Download ColorPolyByVerts for 3dsmax5 / 3dsmax6 / 3dsmax7

/ 3dsmax8 / 3dsmax9 (32 and 64 bit)

Commercial users: test it out for 30 days before you pay -
while every effort will be made to make it bug-free and stable,
there are no guarantees made and no responsibility taken by the
developer for anything this plugin does to your scene(s). This is
currently being used in production so it can't be all bad and I'll try
to fix any problems.

Installation instructions

Run the ColorPolyByVert installer, which puts it into your plugins
directory and then restart 3dsmax.
It is a modifier, so will appear
in the modifier stack.

Contact with any bug info. Scene files

demonstrating problems are much easier to troublshoot.

Credits: written by Grant Adam. Concept by Glenn Melenhorst.


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