
Liquid+ Updated Version 1.34 Released!

sampleLiquid+ is the advanced NPR (Non Photo Realistic) renderer plug-in that lets 3D artists truly realize the blotted-style or soft-style fascinating rendering images on 3DCG.

You can create the perfect aesthetic rendering expressions by your own brush patterns with abundant settings or combining with Pencil+.

Liquid+ is compatible with the scan line rendering of 3ds Max, so it is possible to apply to the specific object in your scene.

Creates delicate textures


Liquid+ provides radically new velvety expressions you have never visualized – ink is blotted, blurred and streamed from the 3ds Max Object.

Liquid+ functions, as the Pencil+ does, to animate strokes of moving objects, detecting how those objects move.

Produces color bleeding


Liquid+ enables 3D objects to be bled in water color. The color bleeding, created by ink spread and color mix, produces delicate object surfaces as what you often see in water color paintings.

Widths and bleeding speed of object border lines are available to control, so that high leveled production can be easily created.

For hand-painting-like images, detail ink specification, related to ink bleeding, color mixing, white clearance and color irregularities, are allowed to be decided.

sample sample sample sample sample
Normal Bleeding Bleeding+Border No color mixed Color mixed

Composed of two plug-ins

sample Liquid+ has composed of two plug-ins, Liquid+ Material (for color and texture control) and Liquid+ Line (for border control), as Pencil+ has.

Liquid+ Material Plug-in


The 3ds Max material editor handles the Liquid+ Material plug-in. Setting variations help to create a variety of stroke expressions.

For more challenges, the Pencil+ will be an alternative. The Pencil+ draws strokes, and controls shade of objects produced by the Liquid+.

Brash settings

Liquid+ draws strokes using the brash editor. Image files are also available for using as brash patterns.

sample sample sample sample sample
Normal Interval Cycle Alpha reduction Size reduction

Several stroke settings, for intervals, cycles, alpha reduction and size reduction, are available.

Liquid+ Line Plug-in

sampleLiquid+ Line renders object outlines two-dimensional arranges.

The line plug-in changes line widths (Distortion) and bleeds the lines, so that hand-drawing-li

ke images are possible

More detail : Liquid+


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